Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Welcome to the FAQs section of our website, where you will find answers to common questions about our software. Browse through our frequently asked questions and if you do not find the answer you are looking for, our dedicated support team is always here to assist you.
Is a credit card required for a free trial?


Does IDEX Pro offer management reporting?
Are there any other charges besides per user?
No, there are no other additional charges.
Can I share my log in with another user?
No, for security reasons, we ask you to request a new login for each user.
Can I export the leads to my CRM or other database?
Yes, we integrate with many systems. Contact us to see if we integrate with yours.
Do you identify how the visitor found my site?


What if I need help with marketing to the leads? Can you provide referrals?
Yes, use the Contact Us form to inquire.